Back Pain

The Importance of Chiropractic Care in Treating and Preventing Low Back Pain

Low back pain is a common health issue that affects millions of people worldwide. It can be debilitating, affecting daily activities, work, and overall quality of life. While there are various treatment options available, chiropractic care has gained recognition for its effectiveness in not only treating low back pain but also preventing its recurrence.

Understanding Low Back Pain

Before delving into the role of chiropractic care, it’s essential to understand low back pain. Low back pain can result from various factors, including:

  1. Muscle Strains : Overexertion, lifting heavy objects improperly, or sudden movements can lead to muscle strains in the lower back.
  2. Dis and/or joint sprains: Disc and/or joint sprains are injuries to the ligaments of your spinal discs or joints which become stretched, resulting in pain and reduced stability in your spine.
  3. Herniated Discs: When the soft, cushion-like discs between the vertebrae rupture or bulge, they can press on nearby nerves, causing pain.
  4. Degenerative Disc Disease: As we age, the discs in our spine can degenerate, leading to chronic low back pain.
  5. Spinal Misalignment: Subluxations or misalignments in the spine can put pressure on nerves, resulting in pain and discomfort.
  6. Arthritis: Arthritis is a condition that causes inflammation and pain in your joints, affecting your mobility and overall comfort.
  7. Spinal stenosis: Spinal stenosis is a narrowing of the spaces within your spine that can put pressure on the nerves, leading to pain and discomfort, often in the lower back or neck.

The Role of Chiropractic Care with Back Pain

Chiropractic care is a non-invasive, drug-free approach to addressing low back pain and promoting overall spinal health. Chiropractors are trained to assess, diagnose, and treat various neuro-musculoskeletal conditions, including low back pain. Here’s why chiropractic care is important for low back pain:

Targeted Treatment for Back Pain:

Chiropractors use very specific manual adjustments to correct spinal misalignments and restore proper function. By aligning the spine, they can relieve pressure on nerves, reduce pain, and improve mobility in the lower back.

Individualized Care for Back Pain:

Chiropractors create personalized treatment plans tailored to each patient’s unique needs and condition. This approach ensures that the treatment is specific to the underlying cause of low back pain.

Pain Management for Back Pain:

Chiropractic adjustments often provide immediate relief from low back pain. Many patients experience reduced pain and improved function after just a few sessions.

Preventing Back Pain Recurrence:

Chiropractic care goes beyond symptom relief. It focuses on addressing the root causes of low back pain to prevent it from returning. By improving spinal health and function, chiropractic care helps maintain long-term wellness.

Different Chiropractic Services for Low Back Pain

Chiropractors employ a variety of techniques and services to address low back pain effectively. Some of the common chiropractic services for patients with low back pain include:

  • Spinal Adjustments: Manual adjustments of the spine are at the core of chiropractic care. Chiropractors use precise techniques to correct misalignments and improve spinal function.
  • 2 Modalities and therapy: Therapeutic techniques and tools used by chiropractors to complement traditional adjustments, including electrical stimulation, ultrasound, and dry needling. These modalities can help reduce pain, inflammation, and muscle tension, enhancing the effectiveness of chiropractic care  and often shorted the duration for various musculoskeletal conditions.
  • Rehabilitation Exercises: Customized exercises and stretches may be prescribed to strengthen the muscles supporting the lower back and improve posture.
  • Lifestyle and Ergonomic Advice: Chiropractors provide guidance on maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including advice on proper ergonomics at work and home to prevent future low back pain.
  • Nutritional Counseling: In some cases, dietary changes or supplements may be recommended to support overall health and reduce inflammation.
  • Posture Correction: Chiropractors assess and address posture issues that can contribute to low back pain. They provide guidance on maintaining proper posture to reduce strain on the lower back.

Chiropractic care offers a holistic and effective approach to treating and preventing low back pain. By addressing the root causes of pain, chiropractors help patients not only find relief but also maintain long-term spinal health and prevent future episodes of low back pain.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about low back pain.

  • What causes low back pain?

    Chiropractors often explain that low back pain can result from various factors, including muscle strains, herniated discs, degenerative conditions, and spinal misalignments.

  • Is chiropractic care safe for treating low back pain?

    Yes, chiropractors emphasize the safety of chiropractic adjustments when performed by trained professionals, highlighting its non-invasive nature compared to surgery or medication.

  • How many chiropractic sessions will I need to see results?

    While every patient is dealing with a different level of severity in there injury, treatments are patient driven and individualized to their need.  Patients should see a difference in their low back pain within a week, and most patients’ care resulting in a full recovery within two weeks to a month.

  • Can chiropractic care prevent my low back pain from coming back?

    Yes to some extent.  We always stress the importance of ongoing care to maintain spinal health and reduce the risk of recurrence, along with lifestyle adjustments and exercises.  Patients under maintenance care who have flare-ups recover within a few treatments, while a reactive patient will need two to three times more care.

  • What can I do at home to alleviate low back pain between chiropractic visits?

    Chiropractors commonly provide patients with advice on posture improvement, ergonomic changes, and specific stretches or exercises to manage pain and discomfort.

  • Are there any lifestyle changes or dietary recommendations that can help with low back pain?

    Chiropractors may offer guidance on nutrition, weight management, and lifestyle modifications that can support spinal health and reduce inflammation.

  • Are chiropractic adjustments painful?

    Adjustments are typically not painful but may cause mild discomfort or a popping sound due to the release of gas from the joints.

  • Can chiropractic care be combined with other treatments for low back pain, like physical therapy or medication?

    We will discuss the potential benefits of a multidisciplinary approach, where chiropractic care can complement other treatments, depending on the patient’s needs.

  • What are the potential risks or side effects of chiropractic care for low back pain?

    Chiropractors inform patients about the rare risks associated with adjustments, such as soreness or temporary discomfort, and discuss any contraindications.

  • Is chiropractic care covered by my health insurance?

    While chiropractic care is a cover therapy, we do not bill your insurance at Harris Chiropractic.  We are happy to provide a super bill to submit to your insurance for reimbursement.

These FAQs can help patients gain a better understanding of chiropractic care for low back pain and make informed decisions about their treatment options.

Chiropractic Hours

Mon 10:00am – 6:00pm

Tues 10:00am – 6:00pm

Wed 10:00am – 1:00pm

Thur 10:00am – 6:00pm

Fri Closed